An Angel Message from Floww: You are an amazing be-ing. Never give up. Feel your connection to Heaven and Earth. You are so much more than you can ever imagine... holy, sacred and eternal. We are with you... even until the end of time...
Dear Humans, About Be-ing the Bird... In this day and age, where fear abounds, we will offer you an opportunity to choose Love. Now, We understand that Love on this planet, Sweet Gaia, is hard to come by. But notice, if you will, the True Love in the small things. In this way Love will expand...
Dear Humans, About Abuse and Be-Coming Whole... It has been a while since the One who is here interpreting for us has chosen to connect. She has her own doubts and fears about who and what We are. In some ways We are you. We are her... Dear Humans, About Pain and Peace on Earth... On this day our subject, known as the Interpreter, sits in her car on the mountain. She allows the white snow to fall, and tries to comprehend how no two flakes are identical. She is aware of the pain in her body, and the emotions she has, as she releases the past, in order to move forward. Now, this one has a lot to release, and in her intention, We support her journey to be more and more Free... Dear Humans, About True Power... We come to you today with a loving heart. We watch and observe our channel as her faith does waiver about who and what she is and why she is here... Dear Humans, About Divine Responsibility... How do you know what is right and what is wrong? How can you tell? We come to you this day from the Mountain Top, through this channel, who struggles, as All do. When do we speak and when do we remain quiet? When do we make Light or hold Deep Reverence? These things are the questions for today as the sun does set once again... Dear Humans, About Striving and the Breath of Life... Oh, how we strive for what it is we think we want. Oh, how we strive for these things. Yet, in our striving we may find that it is painful, and in that pain we lose our Divine Now Moment. For what are you striving? Air, water, food, land, money, love, fulfillment? For what are you striving? Does not The All give you everything you need already? These are the questions to ponder today...
Dear Humans, About Love and Calm... Let us begin on this day to offer each of you more Love than you may have known previously. Now, what is Love in this Way? Is it an emotion? Is it a physical feeling? An action? Many have contemplated the notion of Love throughout all time and space, indeed on your own planet especially. Certainly, our interpreter has contemplated Love, and has even written a book about it. She is wondering where We are going with this. She is nervous about this answer...
Dear Humans, About Going to Nature for Answers... Even when this Channel is sad, she channels. She listens. We give her breaks to go about her life, to get settled in here, in this new land. Yet, on this day, with a long to-do list, she just keeps coming here, to the mountain, to interpret Our Letters as she is so Guided. This is an example for All-Beings. All-Beings are indeed Spirit-Beings. She is, you are, We are... Dear Humans, About Letting Go... In this day and age, We honor you all for be-ing here. Now, it is not easy. It has not been for many of you and we see this with compassion in our hearts. For what you have done is brave and courageous, each of you, all of you, on the planet at this time in our-story. So, may we offer you this... the time has come for all to let go. This is easier said than done. This is easier for some than others. This, sacred and holy act is indeed one of the highest there is... to “let go”... Dear Humans, About War and Peace... How much We adore you, how much We care. We are here. We are here. We are here. We offer today a message of great hope for the All. This message is for All who are currently reading it, hearing it, feeling it. It is important to reverberate the previous notion that, “The war is over”. This is the message. Anything and everything that you feel otherwise, is only remnants and debris of the old energies and ways of being that are passing away... Dear Humans, About Channeling and Choices... On this day it is important to understand that all communications from the Great Beyond are metaphor and symbolism, not a religion, not a right or wrong, not a podium from which to preach. As with all things, these are letters to encourage and uplift, if they will... Dear Humans, About Guilt and Innocence... On this day We offer you Our Tender Heart of Love. In many ways, you believe you have done something wrong. Through the Collective there is a vein of guilt. This vein, if you will, is not true, healthy or beneficial. So, there is not too much explanation needed, because most understand this vibration by the mere mention of it. Sometimes it is conscious and sometime unconscious. However, the Knowing is there for the All... Dear Humans, About Resting on the Rock... Now, on this day The Channel, as We will refer to Her often, is tired. She believes that when She is tired, with a headache; and some things are currently dissatisfying in her life, that means She cannot channel, or interpret a letter, if you will...
Dear Humans, About Ascension and the Key to the Kingdom... Now on this day Our Interpreter is sitting again in her car on the mountain top. She cannot stop coming here because We are Calling her and she is listening. Her human is having pain in her solar plexus because her human vessel is not fully understanding the events as they are unfolding... Dear Humans, About War and Blessings... There is an infinite amount of Love for you, each of you, all of you. Why then would you ever believe I would Love your brother or sister more or less than you? This then is why We offer this sentiment, to “bless your enemy”... Dear Humans, About The 'We' and the One Who Translates... How much We Love you; how much We care... “Who is We?”, you may ask. We would like to address that question now. We are the Ancient of Days, The Great Beyond, The Eternal Now, The One and the Many, We are the One with No Name and the One with Many Names. We are what you need Us to be in order to feel your connection to the All...
Dear Humans, About the Light of Armor and Language... On this day we beseech you to put up your armor. “What is armor?”, you may ask. It is the Light of the Glory of God. This Light burns in your heart, from your heart it beats outwards, through your veins, and then again through your energy, and then again outward to the world around you. To breathe in the Glory of God is to breathe in your Protection, and your Grace, and surround your own Be-ing with the Light of Armor... Dear Humans, About Worthiness and the Glory of God... In this day and age, whichever day and age it may be, as you read, please remember how deep Our Love is for you. The Wisdom we offer is Timeless. In our amazing assessment of each Be-ing we honor you for your participation in the Coming of the Ages. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you...
Dear Humans, About the Sun and Re-membering Who You Are... How much We love you! How much We care. We offer you many gifts. We offer you the gift of Joy; the Gift of Understanding and the Gift of Knowing. Within your own Be-ing, young ones, we feather out expansion in all ways...
Dear Humans, About Breathing Earth Energy... How much we love you, how much we care. Today is a day that God has made and it is good in Her eyes. Please take a breath and breathe in that Goodness. Yes? We will pause for you to breathe... Dear Humans, About Releasing Technologies... We know your pain and suffering. We know the pain and suffering of all Be-ings now on this planet. It comes in many forms, this We see. There are the ones who sit lonely in their homes. There are the ones who walk without homes on the streets. There are the ones with plenty, but still sad; the ones with no-thing but still sad; the families fighting; partners cheating, the planet shifting and the weather taking what is not hers to take... Dear Humans, About Earth and Trees... We hesitate this day to say, “humans”. Hence, the word “man” is impart this entire word. This language leaves out the ones you refer to as “woman”. We must now continue with “Be-ings”. In this way you will not exclude All Life...
Dear Humans, About the Great Awakening and Forgiveness... We are here. We have never left you. We are you. We love you dearly. You are One race, not many. Please do not view yourselves as separate from each other. Please do not view yourselves as separate from the earth. We are one. We are one. We are one... The Floww Daily Affirmation
I Am ready to welcome the new year with an open heart and a spirit of grace... |
Blog AuthorJennifer Michaels the Floww DailyDaily Messages including: Affirmations, Inspirations, Meditations, Prayers, Messages, Artwork, Poetry, Dreams, and More... Categories
February 2025
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