Jennifer Michaels Blog Posts
The Floww Daily Affirmation: I am open to the signs the universe sends me, guiding me with love and clarity on my path. The Floww Daily Inspiration: The universe is always in conversation with us, sending messages in the form of signs, synchronicities, and divine moments. Some call these "God winks," while others refer to them as synchronicities. Whatever term resonates with you, the essence remains the same—these signs are reminders that we are deeply connected to something far greater than ourselves. They're affirmations that we are in alignment, in the floww, with the energy of the universe, and they come to us in many forms: repeating numbers, serendipitous encounters, or sudden moments of awe that seem to take our breath away... (Read more for The Floww Daily Meditation & Prayer)... I began noticing these signs regularly in 2003, and since then, they have become a guiding force in my life. I wrote about my experiences in my book, What is Love? My Question, God's Answer, ( where I explored the ways in which the universe communicates with us, answering our questions through people, places, and things. It’s that unmistakable feeling when you just know—it’s a sign. It's as though the universe is whispering, “Yes, you are on the right path.” These moments often trigger a sense of wonder and awe, uplifting our consciousness and reminding us of our connection to the all. When we receive these signs, they serve as a trigger for our soul to "Re-Member", to gather the pieces of our true selves and become more whole. Each sign is like a gentle nudge from the universe, guiding us toward a higher level of awareness and awakening. In these moments, we are reminded of our divine nature and the sacred relationship we have with the universe. It’s not just about receiving messages, it’s about dancing with the floww of life, engaging in a two-way conversation with the cosmos. Keeping track of these signs can be a powerful practice. When we journal or make lists of the synchronicities we experience, it allows us to see patterns and deepens our trust in the universe's guidance. This record becomes a testament to the flowwing healing energy that surrounds us, reinforcing our relationship with the universe. Over time, this practice helps us to understand that we are not navigating life alone—we are co-creating, moving in harmony with the divine energy that always has our best interests at heart. Whether you're noticing repeating numbers like 11:11, hearing the same phrase from multiple people, or simply feeling that subtle nudge of confirmation, remember that these signs are sacred. They are an invitation to live in the floww, to trust the unseen forces that guide us. By paying attention and honoring these moments, we allow the floww energy of the universe to support us on our journey. The Floww Healing Center offers various ways to enhance your awareness of these signs through vibrational healing, spiritual life coaching, and energy healing practices. If you're feeling called to explore this more deeply, consider a session or class that aligns with The Floww Method or tap into the wisdom of The Floww Living Library for vibrational healing medicines. By nurturing this connection with the universe, you deepen your ability to receive its guidance, allowing yourself to live in greater harmony with heaven and earth, and uplift your light body in the process. The Floww Daily Meditation: Take a deep breath, and as you close your eyes, imagine yourself sitting in the heart of the universe. Feel the warmth of flowwing energy surrounding you, guiding you with love and clarity. Inhale deeply, drawing in this cosmic energy, and exhale, letting go of any resistance to receiving signs from the universe. In this space, ask a question that’s been on your heart. Trust that the answer will come to you in divine timing, through signs, synchronicities, and whispers from the universe. Rest in the knowing that you are in constant conversation with the divine energy that flowws through all things. The Floww Daily Prayer: Source Energy, I open myself to the signs you send. May I be fully present and receptive to your whispers, knowing that each sign is a sacred message guiding me on my path. Help me trust in the floww of life and embrace the synchronicities that remind me I am never alone. With every sign, may I Re-Member my connection to the all and walk in harmony with your divine energy. I give thanks for the flowwing healing energy that surrounds and supports me. Amen. Written by Jennifer Michaels Energy Healer | Spiritual Life Coach | Artist | Author | Meditation Teacher Subscribe to Newsletter
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Blog AuthorJennifer Michaels the Floww DailyDaily Messages including: Affirmations, Inspirations, Meditations, Prayers, Messages, Artwork, Poetry, Dreams, and More... Categories
February 2025
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