Jennifer Michaels Blog Posts
The root chakra, also known as the Muladhara is the foundation of our energy system. Located at the base of the spine, it governs our sense of stability, security, and connection to the Earth. When the root chakra is balanced, we feel grounded, safe, and supported in our lives. However, when it becomes blocked or imbalanced, we may experience fear, anxiety, or a sense of disconnection from our body and surroundings... I once worked with a client who felt constantly anxious and uncertain, despite their external life appearing stable. Through therapy and energy work focused on the root chakra, we discovered that they had unresolved fears around safety and security. By using methods like grounding exercises, healing crystals, and meditation, they were able to restore balance to their root chakra. Over time, they felt more grounded, confident, and connected to their inner strength. The root chakra is closely tied to our basic needs—food, shelter, safety, and a sense of belonging. It connects us to the physical world and helps us feel secure in our place within it. When this energy center is blocked, we may feel scattered, fearful, or disconnected from our body. Healing the root chakra requires reconnecting with the floww of life force energy that anchors us to the Earth. Therapy, meditation, and healing art are powerful methods for balancing the root chakra. Practices like walking barefoot on the Earth, using grounding stones like hematite or red jasper, and engaging in deep breathing exercises can help restore the floww of energy to this foundational chakra. By honoring our need for stability and grounding, we create a strong base for the rest of our energy system to thrive. The philosophy of grounding is central to balancing the root chakra. When we connect to the Earth and restore the floww of energy through daily practices, we nurture our sense of safety and belonging. This allows us to build a life rooted in confidence, resilience, and trust. With love and healing energy, Jennifer The Floww Daily Affirmation “I am grounded, safe, and secure. The Earth supports me, and my root chakra is balanced.” The Floww Daily Meditation Sit comfortably with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Visualize a floww of energy connecting you to the Earth, moving up from the ground into your body. With each inhale, feel the energy of the Earth grounding and supporting you. As you exhale, release any fears or tensions. Silently repeat the affirmation: “I am grounded, and my root chakra is in balance.” Continue to breathe deeply, allowing yourself to connect fully with the Earth’s energy. The Floww Daily Prayer Great Spirit, I open myself to the grounding energy of the Earth. Help me to stay rooted in my strength, trusting in the floww of life that supports me. May my root chakra remain balanced, giving me the stability to face life with confidence and peace. Amen. Subscribe to Newsletter
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Blog AuthorJennifer Michaels Channeling Floww the Floww DailyDaily Messages from Floww including: Affirmations, Inspirations, Meditations, Prayers, Messages, Artwork, Poetry, Dreams, and More... Categories
December 2024
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